µFab3D Microfabrication System

µFab3D micro fabrication system

The µFab3D microfabrication system from TEEM Photonics is a novel laser accessory for microscopes which enables the fabrication of 3D polymer, protein, metal or other biomaterials microstructures.

The µFab3D is a three dimensional (3D) microfabrication system using two photon absorption (TPA) from a 532nm microchip laser to build micro objects in polymer, proteins or noble metals with confocal microscopy resolution. These microscopic structures are realised as a result of a high definition photochemical process initiated at the focal point of a laser and resolution (voxel size) down to 200nm is achievable.

One of the key features of this system is the bespoke software which offers a powerful 2D slicing method to provide much faster and more efficient fabrication.

The system consists of a laser module, sample module, 3D microfabrication software, a starting kit and inverted microscope.

The laser is a 532nm microlaser which is adapted to the microscope aperture and modulated with an acousto-optic modulator. 1064 or 532nm laser wavelengths are available at up to 40kHz repetition rate and 0.5ns pulse duration. The sample module offers piezo-electric nano-positioning capabilities of 0-100µm. The 3D microfabrication software is capable of optimising the fabrication of complex shapes imported from standard 3D computer aided design (CAD) files.


  • Includes compact Nd:YAG microlaser - 1064 or 532nm
  • Piezo-electric, nano positioning sample module
  • Software for positioning 3D laser trajectories
  • High definition 3D fabrication
  • High level flexibility in nano/micro fabrication
  • Compact and easy to use



This product could be used for the following applications:

  • Biotechnology
  • Cellular and tissue fluorescence
  • Multi-photon microscopy


This product is manufactured by TEEM Photonics.

Products in this category

µFab3D Microfabrication System

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